Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Drug Addiction and Alcoholism: A Threat to Young Gay Men

It is no doubt that our world today is beginning to give homosexuals full acceptance and recognition. That is why a lot of gay men are already freely expressing themselves in the streets, in the workplace and even in school. It is no surprise that the homosexual community is continuously growing at a rate that wasn’t even imaginable decades ago. And while there is not much negativity that can be directly attributed to homosexuality, it is quite alarming to know that a lot of young gay men today are exposed to drugs and other vices.  

Two of the world’s most destructive diseases are drugs and alcoholism. In fact, drug addiction is now considered a major health crisis that affects millions of individuals worldwide. Based on a survey conducted on 2009, it is estimated that about 21.8 million Americans who are at least 12 years of age are considered illicit drug users. The young gay population is one of the most vulnerable to this disease. Illegal drugs are usually found on nightclubs and disco bars where many young gay men socialize with their acquaintances. Also, homosexuality is often associated with mental issues such as shame, discrimination and prejudice which is quite a common basis for the development of drug addiction and alcoholism.  

With the incidence of drug addiction and alcoholism dramatically increasing by the year, joint efforts by the government and the private sector have resulted in the creation of various drug rehabilitation centers that caters to these drug and alcohol abusers. These medical facilities give hope to the young gay population giving them a chance to have a fresh new start with their lives. With proper counseling from expert along with unconditional love and care from their parents, these “addicts” will soon find light at the end of the tunnel.   

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